Thursday, November 25, 2010


Ok so if you dont know this I was born in Alberta, so you think I would not freeze whenever a snowflake falls....wrong, I need jacket, sweater,glove,earmuffs, the entire thing. SO with that said, this has been one of the coldest days of my life.

Since its snowing so much my mom and I decided to buy a snow shovel so that my brother can shovel the driveway, problem number one: he doesn't have snowboots. Solution:buy him snowboots so we go to sears and buy a snow shovel and snowboots for my brother.

We go home all excited that Andre(my brother) is going to clean the driveway and he tells us that the boots are to small they are size 11!

Now, our driveway is NOT shoveled and we have to exchange the snowboots.


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